Top DIY Home Security Tips

Install deadbolt locks

Though they’re more expensive than spring latch locks, deadbolt locks are a lot more durable and therefore provide more protection. So, you should add at least one-inch thick deadbolt locks to all exterior doors inside your house. But when installing deadbolt locks, ensure that thers small or no distance between the doors and their frames, as such areas make it easy for intruders to induce the door apart. To reduce the area, use plywood or metal sheets to reinforce the door.

Display lawn signs

Although lawn signs might not stop desperate burglars from entering your home, they can discourage intruders since they pass the concept you’ve got a functional alarm system and that all intruders are monitored. Upon seeing yard signs, most burglars will think twice before entering your home because they will see that they may be caught.

Install a security alarm system

That is only if the best steps for protecting your property. A home alarm system will blare off a loud noise to alert you about any possible dangers and also to scare burglars away. An alarm system, even if quiet, can keep intruders away, as the mere sight of it can discourage intruders from making further attempts, look more ideas to


Maintain a guard dog

A lot of individuals now use guard dogs to watch over and protect their homes from intruders. Guard dogs require extensive training and socialization to create them hostile towards strangers and friendly towards their owners and other familiar faces. Many dog breeds can make excellent guards. Examples of the best guard dog breeds include the German shepherd, the bullmastiff, the Caucasian shepherd, the Rottweiler, the American Staffordshire terrier, the Airedale terrier, the Doberman pinscher, and the giant schnauzer. Consequently, if you are considering buying a guard dog, go for a few of those mentioned breeds. But if you already have one, all you need to do is consult a guard dog training specialist that will assist you train it to turn into an efficient sentinel.

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